We’re looking for a select group of leaders, entrepreneurs, and high achievers eager to jump-start their career with a fast-paced, stable, and internationally growing company. If you think the following describes you, we invite you to learn more and apply so we can schedule you an interview.
We are Covid safe. Since the outbreak of the pandemic we have pivoted in the way we do business. Many of our associates are able to conduct virtually all of their business remotely via video conferencing. Our office facilities remain available with strict safety measures in place.

The Levels of Leadership
There are many levels of leadership in our organization. The top representatives and managers are recognized weekly within our agency, monthly in our companies’ international spotlight magazine and annually on stage at our companies’ five star conventions. All while leveling up through our organization straight to the top. Supervising Agent, General Agent, Managing General Agent and Regional General Agent.
It’s possible to earn a six-figure income
The Prata Agency gives you the opportunity to earn as much as you desire. With a wealth of ambition comes a wealth of earning potential. Take the necessary steps to find out more about our opportunity, submit your resume and let’s setup an interview.
More and more individuals find themselves unsure of a career path to pursue or unable to find work in this unstable economy. The Prata Agency offers a great opportunity to build your career, whether you’re just out of school, a seasoned professional, or even if you don’t have a college degree or finance experience. Prata Agency’s number one requirement of representatives is the intense dedication to make an impact.
Great Efforts Yield Rewards
The top representatives and managers are rewarded weekly within our agency through recognition and additional incentives, monthly in our companies’ international spotlight magazine, and annually on stage at our companies’ exotic conventions.

As the #2 workplace in Connecticut our goal is to be #1. Not that we aren’t happy being #2 but its the fact that we know we deserve to be #1. Working here has changed my life for the better, I was already in this career but had a hard time at the office I was at. Since moving here and getting under the right leadership I have done nothing but move up.

After 6 great months and really getting a handle on being a Supervisor, I was offered an opportunity to be promoted to a Manager and immediately took the opportunity. Now being able to help a greater number of people than ever before all while truly being compensated for what I am worth.

Straight to the point this opportunity has really given me the point what normal families make in an entire year. For me to give to my financial advisor to ensure my kids, kids are secure for future generations. I started here Tax day April 15th 2011, currently I’m in charge of 15+ managers.

I graduated in 2012 and the economy was pretty rough. After searching for over a month, I got a call to come check out what the Prata Agency was all about and I was blown away. After 3 months with the company I was able to get a promotion to a Supervising Agent, another 8 months after that I was promoted to a General Agent. I have been learning a lot and it’s been a heck of a ride!